Announcing the Ultimate Poptropica Island Showdown!

The Ultimate Poptropica Island Showdown (or UPIS for short) is when viewers vote for the best, and worst, islands. It will be similar to the Poptropica Villain Showdown that the Creators did back in 2011, except this one will be a lot longer. In fact, there are so many islands that this could be a thing that lasts for months!

The way it will work is that out of two islands you vote for your favorite on a poll, and after all of them are voted on, the winners will move on to the next round, and so on. To make it fair, I will pair up the islands by release date. (For example- Early Poptropica vs. Shark Tooth) Also, so this isn’t too long, three different pairs will be voted on every week, or two weeks if there aren’t enough votes. When the next island comes out, I will pair it up with Pelican Rock since the number of islands are odd. This should work out since they will be the last ones to be voted on in the first round, which should end in two to three months.

The first round should start next Sunday, January 24, and countiue every Sunday after that. However, before that I have a lot more planned, so look forward to that!

-Tall Cactus

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