March 25th: Small Blog Awarness Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Poptropicans! You’re in luck: I have quite an announcement to make this fine night.

Saturday, March 25th will be the first ever Small Blog Awarness Day. What’s that, you may ask? Well, it’s a day when all Pop blogs can shine and get the attention they deserve for once. Some fun events will be planned in the following days, so stay tuned.

I will be posting a special post sometime that day, too. It may not be till later in the day though, since I have another post planned for that morning. Yeah, Small Blog Awarness Day is kinda on my 2nd Poptropica Anniversary, lol. But yeah, feel free to make your own as well, to spread the word of this community holiday.

I just want to note that on the 25th, try NOT to talk on the PHC or read the PHB. Heck, don’t even mention the PHB. I’m sick of people saying stuff like”well your blog is the best, besides the PHB!” The PHB has gotten more than enough praise already. Just because it’s the oldest and most popular Poptropica blog doesn’t mean it’s better than every other blog out there. And that’s why we need Small Blog Awarness Day.



Tall Cactus

10 thoughts on “March 25th: Small Blog Awarness Day!

  1. Thats actully true! You see all the Poptropica help Blog ever really post is news and news is (in my opintion the boring and least opintion based posts ever! Like most of the interesting posts ARE THE GUEST POSTS. Like PHB plz make more stuff like theories and top 10s and even do throwbacks you know! Other Poptropica blogs like yours tall cactus, clawtropica, sporty Boa have more intersting posts then the PHB!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I like TC’s blog because she has a variety of contents on her blog. But, I do believe that even the PHB has variety of contents other than news. Like PMFM, Popcorn magazine, Creators’ Portfolio, Sunday Specials, Community Creations, Reviews, MPIP, surveys, etc. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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