Theory Thursdays: Theories on Why There is No Theory Today

The title explains it all.

  1. I’m lazy
  2. I’m tired
  3. I have other things to do
  4. I almost forgot it was Thursday (I forget days of the week often during summer vacation)

Well, those are sure possible explanations for the absence of a real, interest theory post this week, but the real reason is that…

I’ve been busy writing my Mysterious Upcoming Fan-fiction!

Yeah, I’ve been pretty behind with that, so I’m trying to catch up as I want the first season of it to be done before it starts being posted on August 3rd, less than a month from now.

Anyways, sorry about this lame-o post. Expect two Top 5 lists tomorrow, along with the long awaited 24 Carrot Review on Sunday. There will be another post on Sunday because it will be the one-year anniversary of one of Poptropica’s darkest days: when 7 islands became members’ only. Other posts debuting in the next week or so will be “Why GHD is the Worst Island Ever” on Wednesday, July 13th, a bunch of theories put into one about Poptropolis on Thursday the 14th, and finally, the 6-month anniversary special of my blog on Saturday the 16th, with some special lists on my best (and worst) posts the day before.

That’s all for today’s post, see ya later!

-Tall Cactus

7 thoughts on “Theory Thursdays: Theories on Why There is No Theory Today

  1. I also forget about days of the week in summer vacation, not sure what day today is. Let me check… Friday! xD


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