Time Tangled Island Review

We have reached Time Tangled Island. Y’know, the island that has to be the most educational of them all. Because of that, it’s not one of my favorites. However, this is the first island to actually have a decent length and have some challenge in it, and a more interesting story. Along with that, this island is an SUI, updated back in 2014, so I can actually review the soundtrack section this time.

Let’s begin!


This is the first island where you have to save something much bigger than a single island or person. In Time Tangled, you must save the future. Why? A time machine malfucntioned and some items got lost in the wrong time periods! You travel to the future, meet your older self, and fix the past using another time device your 50-year older self gave to you to return the items back to their correct time periods. Then you return to a perfect future, where your older self gives you the medallion! Not bad, if I say so myself. It could have been a tad better, but keep in mind that this was only the third island ever made.


This island still has that poppy, not-as-many-details-2007-look like the previous two islands, but hey it looks slightly better!

Screenshot 2016-06-12 at 12.19.14 PM.png


Finally, I can do the Soundtrack section! The soundtrack is pretty much like any other Poptropica soundtrack, which means it’s amazing. I really like how the music fits in with what time period you’re in. The theme on Main Street is cool, too, it sounds kind of like a clock in the background.

Difficulty and Length

This island is a decent length, it takes a good half hour to complete. It’s actually longer than many islands, not just the early ones. As for difficulty, it’s not the hardest island ever, it’s actually pretty easy if you know what to do, but there are a few challenging parkour areas, like Mount Everest and the Viking Cave.

Overall Rating

I give Time Tangled…

6.5 out of 10 stars

Not half bad, but it could be better with a deeper plot and better design.

Final Thoughts

This is the island that started making Poptropica a much better game. Longer islands with deeper plots would have never happened if it wasn’t for Time Tangled.

Well, that’s all for today’s review. The next review will be 24 Carrot Island. Bye for now!

-Tall Cactus

Shark Tooth Island Review

Let’s get started right away with this review, Poptropicans…


Like Early Poptropica, the story is very simple with not much depth to it, reflecting how the game was in 2007. However, the story is a tad better that EP. So a woman’s son gets stuck on some island that’s only like 15 feet away from the main island, but the son can’t get back because of the Great Booga Shark. You have to find the ingredients to make some potion that will make the shark fall asleep. After you throw a coconut to the shark with the potion in it, you save the son along with the supposedly decreased Proffessor  Hammerhead. The end…*sigh*


It’s a little more detailed and in a more tropical setting than Early Pop, nothing too special…

Early Pop Main Street

Screenshot 2016-05-30 at 10.07.52 AM

Shark Tooth Main Street

Screenshot 2016-06-05 at 12.17.39 PM.png

Do they seriously have the SAME EXACT BACKGROUND?!? Guess they just loved that blue mountain and palm tree setting back in 2007.


Once again, it hasn’t been updated to an SUI yet, so no soundtrack.

Difficulty and Length

About the same as Early Poptropica, maybe a tiny bit harder. Other than that, takes the same amount of time, which is 5 to 10 minutes if you know what to do.

Overall Rating

I give Shark Tooth…

out of 10 Stars

Final Thoughts

To be honest, this island is just like Early Poptropica, except with a slightly better story and a more tropical design. That’s no surprise, as these were the first two islands in the game, and they apparently released together, I’m not exactly sure. But one thing is for sure: Poptropica started to improve after Time Tangled, the 3rd island released…and its review will be next week. And if you’re wondering why this review was so short, it’s because there just wasn’t much to say, which will change soon with the longer, newer islands.

-Tall Cactus

Early Poptropica Review

Welcome to the first ever island review on my blog! Oh wait, there was that one from February. That certainly wasn’t my best post ever, to be honest.

For this weekly review series, I will be going in the order that each island released in, similar to the Ultimate Poptropica Island Showdown. That means I’ll be starting with Early Poptropica (in this post) and ending with whatever the newest island is. I will be reviewing each island in 4 categories, which are storydesignsoundtrack (if SUI), and difficulty and length. After that I will rate the island overall out of 10 stars, and then share some of my final thoughts. Now let’s start this review!


Being the first Poptropica island, its story is very simple and straight-forward. The pilgrims who live in the old part of town lost some of their stuff, and you have to find it for them. You have to go underground, meet a giant, and even ride a jetpack to retrieve the pig, flag, and bucket, and once you give them back to the pilgrims, you get the medallion. That’s it. No twists or anything like that. It’s a little disappointing for story-lovers like me, but whatever.


The design on this island is very different from any of the other islands. It’s appearance is less detailed than newer islands, more colorful and happy looking, which totally explains what Pop used to be like. If you aren’t sure what I mean by that, then look at these screenshots:

Early Pop Main Street

Screenshot 2016-05-30 at 10.07.52 AM.png

Escape From Pelican Rock Main Street

Screenshot 2016-05-30 at 10.11.15 AM.png

See the differences?

Also, the pilgrims and the items they lost are pixilized, like a video game from the 80s, which is pretty cool.


This island is still non-SUI, so there’s no soundtrack yet, of course.

Difficulty and Length

This island is easy. And when I mean easy, I mean easy. This island only takes about 5 minutes to complete when you know what you’re doing, 10 if your computer is really laggy. So this island is perfect for beginners. In fact, many Poptropicans in the community played Early Poptropica first. Well, not me, as I joined in March 2015, and saw the SUIs first. #WhenYouCompletedMythologyIslandFirst


I give Early Poptropica…

4.5 out of 10 stars.

Final Thoughts

Early Poptropica is not the best island, that’s for sure. But you need to realize that it was the first ever Poptropica island ever. So, you can’t blame it for being so short and simple. Instead, we should celebrate how much this game has grown over the years by having both new and old players enjoy this classic.

-Tall Cactus

Oh, and to all you fellow Americans, happy Memorial Day! Even though it’s the unofficial start of summer and there’s no school today, you need to remember the real reason that Memorial Day exists. Make sure to say “thank you” to any veterans in your life sometime today. It will mean a lot to them.

No Review Today

Sorry guys, but the Early Pop review that was supposed to be out today is being pushed back to tomorrow. I was just so busy today so I had no time to work on the post. Anyways, I know I’ve been cancelling/pushing back a lot of things lately. Don’t worry, as that should end in July hopefully.

-Tall Cactus